Introduction & Ben Nevis

Hello, bonjour, guten tag e.t.c

I’m sure you get the picture. This is a blog about me, my 2 dogs and the different walks that I do in the Garden of England, Kent. When I am not working, my first aim is to discover new and interesting walks. Being the owner of a spaniel called Dexter and the regular walker of a German Shepherd called Simba, I have learnt to dislike fences or stiles. Simba suffers with elbow displasia so he struggles to jump the numerous fences or stiles that block our routes. Dexter is easier because I can carry him over the stiles. Therefore, with this in mind my second aim is to find routes that are dog friendly. This is what I hope to share with you all.  As a dog lover a walk would not be the same without my two companions by my side.

I would like to begin this blog by talking about Ben Nevis. Albeit this is a blog about walks in Kent, climbing Ben Nevis holds a special place in my heart because the accomplishment meant that I can now say that I have climbed the highest mountains in England, Wales and now most recently Scotland.

Ben Nevis was not actually an enjoyable walk. It is a popular tourist route and is essentially a never ending series of steps made up of large rocks which direct the person straight to the top. It is a hard slog; however, Dexter ran up and down the route seemingly without a care in the world. Whilst the mere humans behind him were gasping for breath. Strangely we set off in shorts and t shirts but were greeted by snow at the top.   We were extremely fortunate that once we had reached the top the clear sunny weather held and we were met by magnificent views of a series of mountain peaks.

Now clearly Ben Nevis is not particularly comparable to walks in the Kent countryside. But I have to admit I enjoy the Kent countryside walks more. Often I can do a walk in Kent and not meet a single person. This is particularly satisfying to me. This may make it seem like I am an antisocial person. This is not the case, but after a busy week at work I love being alone in the countryside with only Dexter and Simba for company. Occasionally I am joined by my husband, Mike. Mike is studying Engineering and working full time so he finds it difficult to find time to wander the Kent countryside.

View from Ben Nevis

Mike and I at top of Ben Nevis